The most common dice that will be used are two D6s. (An extra 1 - 2 die can be added if certain
conditions are met with the permission of Game Master)
If a roll is Clumsy, you will roll 2d6 with no positive modifiers. This is used when your character is
either not proficient in the skill used for the roll, or the skill doesn’t apply in this case.
If a role is Focused, you will roll 2d6 with no negative modifiers. This is used when your character is
proficient in the skill used for the roll, or the skill applies well in this case.
If a roll is Broken, your character is disadvantaged in some way – either you’re disabled, fighting for
your life, or the roll is especially difficult. Roll 3d6 and pick the lowest two results.
If a roll is Empowered, your character has an advantage of some kind. Roll 3d6, removing any
negative penalties and choose the highest two results.
For some actions, you will need to add a modifier to your dice rolls, usually +1 or -1. There are three
kinds of modifiers: regular, forward, and ongoing.
A forward modifier just means you will add the modifying number to your very next roll only when a
condition is met. (Ex: An enemy is knocked prone, so you add +1 to your attack roll.)
An ongoing modifier means you must add a modifying number to all rolls until the status that caused
it is removed.
There are two health pools: Body and Mind. Body is a general measure of physical health; organ
damage, alcohol use, drug use, and exhaustion. Mind is a measure of mental health; stress, paranoia,
and sanity.
Each health pool has a default state of 3, which is modified during stat distribution and archetype
selection. Base health pools can be modified up or down when certain conditions are met. (Clothing,
illness, &c.)
Character Creation
Name the player character, write a backstory of preferred length, and put down character traits.
Player characters have five main stats: Physique, Motorics, Psyche, Intellect, and Shivers.
Physique means physical power, muscle, bulk, and health. A character with high Physique is usually
athletic or muscular, and can be physically large and imposing, making for easier intimidation checks,
along with a larger Body health pool, allowing them to take more punishment from enemies and
drugs. A character with low Physique might have trouble fighting off a stiff breeze without snapping in
Motorics means physical speed, agility, reaction time, and deftness. A character with high Motorics
might rely on their incredible speed and accuracy, and can perform borderline supernatural feats of
skill. A character with low Motorics will be clumsy, bumbling around like a drunk bull.
Psyche means emotional intelligence, empathy, persuasion, and mental strength. A character with
high Psyche might be able to play people like puppets, determine exactly what someone is feeling, and
hold themselves together during times of high stress. A character with low Psyche will be emotionally
intelligent as a brick and somehow more blunt.
Intellect means general knowledge, critical thinking skills, visual deduction, and artistic
conceptualization. A character with high Intellect is not only adept at reading situations, but also
people, objects, and things – and can use this knowledge to deadly advantage. A character with low
Intellect couldn’t deduce how to pour water out of a boot with the instructions written on the heel.
Shivers means gut feelings, that feeling like you're being watched, that moment when the
temperature drops and you become keenly aware of your surroundings, enabling you to hear and see
past wrongs in present time, scenes miles away playing out right in front of you, in your mind’s eye.
Characters with high Shivers will seem mad to the outside world as they listen to the voices, pushing
them along. Characters with low Shivers will seldom hear the world speak to them, and if you cannot
hear it, how can you even save it?
Distribute the following modifiers among each stat: +2, +1, +1, 0, -1